Tampa Catholic High School

The role of the School Advisory Board is to provide advice and assistance to the school's administrative team (Pastor and Principal) in the governance of the school.

School Advisory Board Members

Administration Jeanne Donatelli Jeanne.Donatelli@ stjuderockville.org
Administration Katharine Balog katharine.balog@stjuderockville.org
Chair Sandra Penaherrera scortez1108@gmail.com
Faculty Teresa Phillip Teresa.Phillip@stjuderockville.org
Pre-K Sheena Marshal jsheena1927@gmail.com
Kindergarten Adam Balog leftovers97@gmail.com
1st Grade Fish Kebede fishomarshet@gmail.com
2nd Grade Gabriella Geerman
3rd Grade Nancy Espinosa nancy895@gmail.com
4th Grade Lina Leon lilaleon16@gmail.com
5th Grade Nguyen Nguyen khngn9983@gmail.com
6th Grade Jennifer Oseroff jennclair123@hotmail.com
7th Grade Zendi Velasquez zgvelasquez@gmail.com
8th Grade Alex Lopez Bueno alex.lopez.bueno@gmail.com
Parish Hebeluz Martinez hebiguel@gmail.com
St. Francis Anna Breece annablue22@hotmail.com
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