Tampa Catholic High School


Founded in 1956, St. Jude Regional Catholic School is a Catholic community deeply rooted in traditions of faith, unity, and educational excellence, and committed to developing forward-thinking future leaders.


"At St. Jude we..."


  • Follow the teachings of Jesus
  • Uphold high moral standards
  • Respect and love one another
  • Select curriculum rooted in Catholic teaching
  • Develop our unique gifts and talents for the common good
  • Serve our school and broader communities


  • Promote human dignity of every person regardless of religious or cultural differences
  • Treat others with kindness and compassion
  • Embrace parents as primary educators
  • Value parents as partners


  • Employ highly-qualified, certified teachers
  • Help students understand the part they play in their education
  • Challenge students to meet their full, God-given potential
  • Teach resilience and creative problem-solving
  • Encourage student responsibility for and acceptance of consequences
  • Celebrate achievements with awards and ceremonies

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